Beer Review #1:Rogue Morimoto Black Obi Soba

What they say:

"Black Obi Soba is brewed with roasted buckwheat and malts providing a rich nut-laced flavor, while the 3 hop varieties blend to provide a refreshing zest."

What we thought of the beer:

We agree, for the most part, and only take two exceptions: 1. The beer is not so much "refreshing," as it is simply mild and pleasant. 2. The "nut-laced flavor" primarily shows up in the aftertaste, which is very fleeting, to the point where we're not sure we'd notice it if we weren't instructed to do so, and just a touch more bitter than we were expecting. Overall, this is a solid B+ beer.

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Catherine & Ben, Havers of Opinions About Beers
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