Beer Review #3: Rogue Juniper Pale Ale

What they say:

"A pale ale, saffron in color with a smooth malt balance; a floral aroma with a dry spicy finish from whole juniper berries."

What we thought of the beer:

Tasty, a little sour, but not as much as the Kells Lager. Just the right amount of hoppiness. A little bitter, but crisp and delicious. A-.

Do you have a beer you would like us to review? Please package it discreetly and mail it to:

Catherine & Ben, Havers of Opinions About Beers
At our address, which we assume you have if you are reading this.
If not, email us a picture of the beer you intend to send and we will gladly provide it.


Anonymous said…
I'll be looking for this Rogue next. I just had two by Rogue this past week: the Hazelnut Brown Nectar (it was awesome) and the Chocolate Stout (it was good).
Anonymous said…
had another Hazelnut tonight. definitely a good thing to let it warm up quite a bit.
Unknown said…
I feel the Rogue love.. Can't get enough..

Here's one for ye's to review.. Fuller's 1845. One of the most perfect brews I've had the pleasure.. Bottle reconditioned..